Team Tactics: Bringing Fall Marketing to Your Team
REALTORS® are no strangers to marketing—it being an essential part of growing your business. Seasonal marketing, however, is not always everyone’s cup of tea. While marketing a team can be a bit of a different animal, tactics like seasonal marketing are tried and true, and can’t be ignored. The power of seasonally marketing cannot be… […]
Team Tactics: 3 Ways to Run an Environmentally Conscious Real Estate Team
Those in the business of helping people buy and sell property in super-storm-damaged areas, have seen how more frequent weather disasters and other effects of climate change can have an impact on real estate. For those interested in reducing their global footprint, there are many ways real estate teams can contribute beyond the basics like… […]
Team Tactics: 4 Things Your Team Should Be Branding, and 2 You Shouldn’t
In real estate, branding is important. Name recognition, being “top of mind” and expanding your sphere are almost synonymous with success in the real estate business. At the same time, some take a “more is better” approach and seek to scrawl their logo, name, catchphrase or company on every billboard or knickknack they can get… […]
A Culture of Trust Is the Secret Sauce for New Florida Team
Above, from left, Lee Owen, Demelza Lisowski and Lehanna Amos Agents Demelza Lisowski, Lee Owen, and Lehanna Amos were friends, co-workers, and sociable rivals at Corcoran Reverie Real Estate, in the strip of beach towns known locally as 30-A, when they decided last fall to pool their time and talents. “As individuals, we were sharing… […]
Team Tactics: Branding Your Team as Hyperlocal Experts
As REALTORS®—especially to be a successful real estate team—it’s important to keep up on the latest trends and news in the housing market to stay informed for your clients, as they often turn to you for expertise and knowledge. Branding your team as market experts is great for your marketing and attracting clients, but you… […]
Team Tactics: Taking Advantage of Team Coaching
Coaching is a valuable tool that offers numerous benefits to agents and brokers, let alone teams. Working in real estate requires constant education and development to be at the top of your game, and coaching provides an easy way to pursue this. Hiring a coach can allow team members to grow and flourish within their… […]
Trust Powers Bainbridge Island Mother-Daughter Team
Above, Ty Evans, left and her daughter Natalie Evans It was her sales career with Estee Lauder that took Ty Evans from New York to Seattle some 45 years ago. But the switch to real estate was all about her love of beautiful homes. “The best part of my weekends as a kid was when… […]
Sharon Millett and Vince Malta Appointed to NAR Leadership Team
Sharon Millett & Vince Malta Appointed NAR Leaders The pair were appointed as members of NAR’s Leadership Team effective immediately and following a unanimous vote by the Leadership Team.
Connecticut Team Built on Knowledge and Service
Above, seated from left, Kendall Sneddon, Jaime Sneddon and Ashley Howell Petraska; standing, from left, Aileen Mastey and George Bakes From the day Jaime and Kendall Sneddon met at a Super Bowl party in 1991, they knew they were on the same wavelength. They are energetic go-getters with corporate backgrounds and an equally passionate work… […]