
Team Tactics: Bringing Fall Marketing to Your Team

REALTORS® are no strangers to marketing—it being an essential part of growing your business. Seasonal marketing, however, is not always everyone’s cup of tea. While marketing a team can be a bit of a different animal, tactics like seasonal marketing are tried and true, and can’t be ignored. The power of seasonally marketing cannot be… […]

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Team Tactics: 3 Ways to Run an Environmentally Conscious Real Estate Team

Those in the business of helping people buy and sell property in super-storm-damaged areas, have seen how more frequent weather disasters and other effects of climate change can have an impact on real estate. For those interested in reducing their global footprint, there are many ways real estate teams can contribute beyond the basics like… […]

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Team Tactics: 4 Things Your Team Should Be Branding, and 2 You Shouldn’t

In real estate, branding is important. Name recognition, being “top of mind” and expanding your sphere are almost synonymous with success in the real estate business. At the same time, some take a “more is better” approach and seek to scrawl their logo, name, catchphrase or company on every billboard or knickknack they can get… […]

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Top 3 Overlooked Marketing Tactics Every Listing Agent Should Use

Traditional marketing methods like generic ads, open houses and run-of-the-mill online listings are effective but often not enough to set you apart in an ever-changing and competitive real estate landscape.  Let’s explore three modern marketing strategies that can help you secure more listings in today’s real estate market. Live-hosted virtual tours Research shows that 97%… […]

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Team Tactics: Branding Your Team as Hyperlocal Experts

As REALTORS®—especially to be a successful real estate team—it’s important to keep up on the latest trends and news in the housing market to stay informed for your clients, as they often turn to you for expertise and knowledge. Branding your team as market experts is great for your marketing and attracting clients, but you… […]

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Team Tactics: Taking Advantage of Team Coaching

Coaching is a valuable tool that offers numerous benefits to agents and brokers, let alone teams. Working in real estate requires constant education and development to be at the top of your game, and coaching provides an easy way to pursue this. Hiring a coach can allow team members to grow and flourish within their… […]

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Team Tactics: Profile Tips to Grow Your Team’s Social Media Presence

As social media continues to be a go-to source for potential buyers and sellers to find the real estate agent they want to work with. It is important not just for agents but for real estate teams to master the art of social media to stay ahead in the game. Your team’s social media will… […]

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Team Tactics: Using Your Team’s Instagram for Local Engagement

Instagram is a particularly powerful social media platform for real estate agents to connect with their audience in a visually engaging way. As one of the most popular platforms amongst the bunch, with nearly 144 million active users in the United States, Instagram can help real estate professionals establish a strong local presence and attract… […]

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Ask the Newsmakers: Business-Building Tactics to Succeed in a Round-the-Clock Industry

Choosing a career in real estate means committing to the job outside of the traditional nine-to-five timeframe Monday through Friday. The everyday tasks of an agent are numerous—from getting a listing, showing off houses to touching base with clients—and if you want to succeed, you need to relentlessly juggle multiple clients. However, the job doesn’t… […]

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Team Tactics: 5 Things to Do After a Deal Falls Through

A sale on your team fell through. Maybe the buyer reneged on their offer, maybe the seller changed their mind. Whatever the case, your team now has the fallout to manage. A setback like this can sting, especially if it was a weeks-long process that now feels for naught. However, any business experience—even a failure—is… […]

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