
Final Offer Launches ‘PX,’ Private Exclusive Listings Channel for Properties Not Yet on MLS

Final Offer has announced the launch of Private Exclusive Listings (PX), a new feature that allows agents to share off-market and pre-market properties within their brokerage and directly with clients via a private channel, providing early access to properties before they’re publicly listed on the MLS. Private Exclusive Listings are off-market or pre-market properties and… […]

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Advice from the Top: ERA Brokers, Executives Offer Insight Into Advancing Women’s Leadership in Real Estate

In celebration of Women’s History Month, ERA Real Estate’s Hera Society, the brand’s dedicated group focused on advancing women leadership within the affiliated network and the industry, recently hosted a roundtable discussion to uncover actionable insights to advance greater inclusion for women in real estate leadership. Representing more than 130 years of collective real estate […]

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