
Existing-Home Sales Advanced 1.3% in July, Ending Four-Month Skid

Consumers are seeing more choices, and affordability is improving due to lower interest rates. www.nar.realtor – Research

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NAR: We’re Committed To Ending Discrimination in Real Estate

The connection between race and real estate throughout our country’s history is undeniable and remains a key factor in current racial wealth gaps. www.nar.realtor – Fair Housing

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Existing-Home Sales Surged 14.5% in February, Ending 12-Month Streak of Declines

Existing-Home Sales Surged 14.5% in February February 2023 saw the largest monthly existing-home sales rise since July 2020. All regions had month-over-month gains and year-over-year declines. Media Contact:  Troy Green 202-383-1042

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The Forbearance Period is Ending: What’s the Impact on Foreclosures, House Prices, Supply, and Homeownership?

Foreclosures will likely widen the already alarming homeownership gap among income groups and racial groups, with low income and minority groups twice as likely to face foreclosure than higher income and non-minority groups and homeowners of FHA-insured loans three times as likely to face foreclosure. www.nar.realtor – Research

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Forbearances Ending at a Faster Pace; Rates Drift Lower; Refi Market Still Hot

Black Knight said its weekly forbearance survey found the number of mortgages in active forbearance decreasing at an accelerated rate. Those mortgages fell by 2.6 percent or 95,000 loans over the last week, bring the decline over the last month to 357,000 loans. It was the fifth straight week of improvement and Black Knight noted […]

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